KEK CMB Group 本文へジャンプ
Activity Report: Report of projects with pictures and charts
Aug, 2013 Picture of the Month

Summer Challenge 2013 was held at KEK. The CMB group had a seminar measuring the temperature of the CMB by using a device in the photo. The picture shows participating students and staffs with the device.

June, 2013 Picture of the Month

We hosted International Conference CMB 2013 at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Okinawa from June 10th through June 14th. Over 120 researchers participated. The poster prize was awarded to Inoue's "Characterizations of high thermal conductive IR filter using alumina" in the poster session.

May, 2013 Picture of the Month

The optics tube of POLARBEAR-2 was built in. The evaluation test starts aiming at the test observation in 2014.

March, 2013 Picture of the Month

We hosted a collaboration meeting of POLARBEAR at KEK. We discussed future plan of POLARBEAR-2 and data analysis on POLARBEAR-1 under observation.

Jan. 2013 Picture of the Month

JAXA Aerospace and Astronomical Science symposium was held on January 8th and 9th. Matsumura, Hazumi, Nagata, Katayama, Takada, Suzuki, Ishino, and Kibe presented posters about recent progress of LiteBIRD.
Suzuki, director General of KEK, had a special lecture titled「Aerospace and Astronautical Science and KEK」introducing the activity of the CMB group.

Jul, 2011 Picture of the Month

Fully assembled POLARBEAR focal plane is completed. Currently, the focal plane is under final integration test. As soon as the test is completed, it will be sent to the observation site, Chile and will be prepared for the official observation after the installation and commissioning at the site.

Jul, 2011 Another Picture of the Month

The symposium of Scientific Research on Innovative Areas was held at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science on July 11th and 12th.   Each project group has presented on their research achievement and their future plans and active discussions were held. Speakers from CMB group and their topics are as follows: Hazumi, "the progress of LiteBIRD." Hasegawa, "the latest result of QUIET." Matsumura, "the progress of POLARBEAR." Yoshida, "the development of Superconducting Detector(MKIDs)." CMB group members also presented posters.

Jun, 2011 Picture of the Month

Hasegawa, Ishidoshiro, and Yoshida presented posters at Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011(TIPP 2011) held from June 9th to 14th in Chicago.

Jun, 2011 Another Picture of the Month

Ishidoshiro, and Nagai working on QUIEThave visited California Institute of Technology and installed the ADC system developed for QUIET Phase-U. The ADC system we developed will be used at Caltech in addition to FNAL.

Dec, 2010 Picture of the Month

The initial observation result of QUIET is published in Astrophysical Journal. For more details, please click here (in Japanese).

Nov, 2010 Picture of the Month

We had a collaboration meeting of POLARBEAR at UC Berkeley. We reviewed the test observations and discussed a future plan. Hazumi, Tomaru, Matsumura, Nishino, Morii and Shimizu from KEK attended this meeting and each member gave a presentation on his/her work.

Oct, 2010 Picture of the Month

The CMB group hosted a booth at Sorahaku 2010, a special exhibition event, held at the Science Museum in Tokyo from Oct 29 through Oct 31. We had a total of over 30,000 visitors over 3 days and they learned about our researches and Summer Challenge, out reach for high school students.

Sep, 2010 Picture of the Month

The CMB group hosted a booth at KEK OPEN HOUSE 2010. We had over 500 visitors on the day and they learned about our projects, instruments and equipments.

Sep, 2010 Another Picture of the Month

The CMB group gave presentations at the Conference of Physical Society of Japan. The group had 14 presentations in total, which is the highest numbers from our group, and had lively discussions.

Aug, 2010 Picture of the Month

We had observations of an astronomical object called Tau A that radiates polarized light. The observations are made at the test site of POLARBEAR in California, USA.
Figure shows the polarization map indicating the strength and direction of the polarized light. Each line on a pixel indicates the direction of measured linear polarization.
By ensuring the expected polarization map, we proved that the observational system of POLARBEAR is operating properly.
Including the observations of Tau A, the test observations were successfully completed and POLARBEAR will finally deploy for Atacama, Chile.

Jul, 2010 Picture of the Month

POLARBEAR is continuously in the test observations at Cedar Flat CA, U.S.A. Hazumi, Tomaru, Matsumura, and Shimizu visited the site in the end of July in addition to Nishino who has been staying there since May. They fixed the stimulator, which calibrate the telescope, and observed Jupiter and Tau A (Pulsar at the center of Crab Nebula).

Jun, 2010 Picture of the Month

We hosted CMB workshop 2010 at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Mitaka, Tokyo. Over 120 people from CMB related and other fields attended the seminar and had heated discussions on a future prospect of the CMB research.
(For more details click here)
May, 2010 Picture of the Month

We welcomed new members, Ishidoshiro, Nagai and Nagata, the post-doctoral scholars, Toyoda and Noguchi, the technicians, and Imagawa, the secretary.
April, 2010 Picture of the Month

Tomaru from KEK and others are installing the detectors in the POLARBEAR telescope at Cedar Flat, CA.

March, 2010 Picture of the Month

We gave a presentation at the Cosmic Background Radiation session in the conference of Physical Society of Japan. The picture shows Hazumi giving his presentation.

Feb, 2010 Picture of the Month

A ground screen for QUIET has been structurally strengthened.
In the picture the cylindrical tube seen at the top of the white box is the strengthened part.
The ground screen is used to block the millimeter wave radiated from the ground surface. This allows us to observe only CMB (and the radiation from the atmosphere) on the ground. Having done this operation, we should be able to obtain the systematically better-controlled data.

Jan, 2010 Picture of the Month

Data analysis of the Q-band (40GHz) that QUIET collected until last June is in progress.
Figure on the left is one of the examples of polarization maps that were observed at the same sky where the WMAP satellite observed. Obviously, this figure shows that the QUIET maps are much better polarization sensitivity than WMAP. We should be able to report the new results regarding CMB polarization observations using this highly sensitive data in the near future.

As for the data analysis, KEK members are playing important roles, data selection (Hasegawa), evaluation of data quality (Chinone) and evaluation of systematic error (Tajima). Also, Higuchi is in charge of data administration as one of the official storage sites to keep the collected raw data.

Dec, 2009 Picture of the Month

KEK CMB Group and Detector Technology Project Group are jointly developing highly sensitive millimeter wave camera using Aluminum STJ for the future precise measurements of the CMB polarization. The picture shows the prototype made of the superconducting thin film production equipment installed in the cleanroom. There are 16 chips for each silicon wafer and the size of each chip is 5mm x 5mm.

Nov, 2009 Picture of the Month

We are working on understanding and reducing the noise after the detectors of POLARBEAR is set up. Once the tests has completed, we plan to install the detectors in the telescope at Ceder Flat, CA.

Tomaru is testing the detectors in the picture.

Oct, 2009 Picture of the Month

The First Symposium of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "The Physical Origin of the Universe viewed through the Cosmic Background Radiation (Group Leader: Masashi Hazumi)" was held at Tokyo Station Conference. (For more details click here.)

Sep, 2009 Picture of the Month

The CMB group hosted a booth at KEK OPEN HOUSE. Although it was our first time after the group has established, we had many visitors. People enjoyed looking around instruments and equipments related to CMB experiments that we are normally using.

Sep, 2009 Another Picture of the Month

The telescope for POLARBEAR is installed in Cedar Flat, CA where we will conduct test observations. We will install the TES polarimeter now and plan to start test observations by December 2009. Hazumi, Tomaru and Nishino from KEK are playing central roles to prepare the polarimeter and to develop software.

Aug, 2009 Picture of the Month

The outreach project organized by the CMB group "Let's measure the temperature of the Universe" is added to Summer Challenge annually held by KEK. The total of 6 students from Tohoku University and Nara Women's University etc participated and tried to measure the absolute temperature of the CMB by using a commercial satellite TV dish. In the picture we are measuring the temperature of the CMB with the commercial satellite TV dish during the seminar.

Jul, 2009 Another Picture of the Month

We have started test observations after completing the installation of QUIET W-band receiver. Figure (right) shows the response from the receiver when the W-band receiver observed Moon for the first time. This shows all the receivers (except for three defects) observed the millimeter wave signal from the Moon as expected. We will have the test observations for another month and prepare for the science observations in August.

Jul, 2009 Picture of the Month

We have started test observations after completing the installation of QUIET W-band receiver. The picture shows the telescope that W-band receiver observed Moon for the first time. The other one shows the response from the receiver. This shows all the receivers observed the millimeter wave signal from the Moon as expected. We will have the test observations for another month and prepare for the science observations in August.

Jun, 2009 Another Picture of the Month

We had a collaboration meeting for QUIET at Fermilab in the U.S and discussed the data analysis (40GHz), which we have obtained so far, and upgrading plan. Hazumi, Hasegawa, and Chinone (Tajima is working in Chile) attended this meeting from KEK. Each member gave a presentation regarding the DAQ, test system of the receiver and quality evaluation of the receiver using observation data.

Jun, 2009 Picture of the Month

The installation of the QUIET W-band receiver is in progress on the site. (The picture shows the installation of cryostat with the receiver onto the stand.) Tajima, who is working at the site for a long period from KEK, is preparing a monitor and conducting receiver adjustment and data collection etc. The preparation will take another month and we will start the science observations.

May, 2009 Picture of the Month

The QUIET W-band receiver (90GHz) has been constructed at Chicago University. (Tajima from KEK has participated since last April and played a central role.) From now on, we will prepare for science observations starting in summer after installing the receiver to the telescope and commissioning.

Apr, 2009 Picture of the Month

We welcomed new members, Nishino, a post-doctoral scholar, and three students from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Shimizu, Yaginuma and Watanabe.

March, 2009 Picture of the Month

The session for the Cosmic Background Radiation is held at the conference of Physical Society of Japan for the first time.

Chinone is giving a presentation in the picture.
Jan, 2009 Picture of the Month

We had an unveiling ceremony for the operation of superconducting thin film production equipment at the cleanroom. The director general and the director attended the ceremony.

Oct, 2008 Picture of the Month

Now we installed the group of thin film process equipment in the cleanroom.

May, 2008 Picture of the Month

We have built a computing system for QUIET. Higuchi is setting up the system in the picture.

Mar, 2008 Picture of the Month

Hazumi visited Columbia University that is one of the QUIET members and is testing the Q-band receiver. Although the main purpose of the visit was the meeting to build a receiver system at KEK, he also joined the measurements.

Mar, 2008 Another Picture of the Month

After the meeting at Princeton University, we have visited "microwave telescope of Penzias and Wilson". This telescope discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation in 1965.

Feb, 2008 Picture of the Month

We will build a cleanroom in the Cold Neutron Experimental Hall. The picture shows the inside of the building before the construction and after the removal of magnets etc.